Hockley County Endowment Grant Story: Marigolds of Levelland
Marigolds of Levelland replaced lighting on trees located on the square for its annual Festival of Lights and Christmas season display. People could drive around downtown Levelland and enjoy the Christmas lights beginning in November last year -- the organization reported that many who drove by described the lights as magical. Some even compared it to a scene from a Hallmark movie.
The Festival of Lights took place on December 2, 2021, and included a variety of attractions such as a parade, Santa, games, and food for all to enjoy. The enchanting lights were admired by nearly 1,000 people on the square that December evening and many others who visited Levelland during the holiday season. A Marigolds of Levelland member wrote, “These are memories that people will have for years and talk about fondly as they remember back and think about the special times they had growing up in Levelland, Texas.”
To support the Hockley County Endowment and Hockley county nonprofits such as the Marigolds of Levelland, click the provided link: hockleycountyendowment.org/donate.
