Hockley County Endowment Grant Story: Bill's Backpacks
Bill’s Backpacks, a Levelland, Texas food program, recently was able to continue food purchases to feed approximately 180 students through the use of a grant from the Hockley County Endowment. Food from Bill’s Backpacks (B.B.P.) are distributed to the students who might not have adequate food provisions to sustain them through weekends and holidays.
Bill’s Backpacks board member Donna Pugh said that the program uses all grant funding from the Endowment to purchase food for the students as “the real issue faced by these kids is poverty and – single-handedly – B.B.P. will not be able to alleviate this social/economic issue, but we can make sure that learners at our school are not hungry and, therefore, are able to actually learn.”
When asked about what B.B.P. values most about Hockley County, Pugh said “Hands down--it's people. There is not a more compassionate and giving community than Levelland, Texas! Levelland continues to grow and thrive because we have progressive and positive leadership. Continuing that is key!”
The Hockley County Endowment is honored to help Bill’s Backpacks provide for the nutritional needs of Levelland’s hungry.
To support the Hockley County Endowment and Hockley county nonprofits such as Bill's Backpacks, donate here: hockleycountyendowment.org/donate.